Sacred Geometry in the Service of Peace

Foredrag v. Jérôme Boujon
Lørdag kl. 16.00 – 16.45 i Lokale 3 – 1. sal

Peace is the foundation of happiness. It is balance, harmony, unity, fluidity, unconditional love.
How can sacred geometry help you support these values, these virtues in you and around you and create a world in which you can savour every moment? Understanding the fundamentals of sacred geometry is a first step to integrating them into one’s daily life.

Do you want to contribute to the beauty of the world while living your authenticity? What if you could be supported in this dynamic to create a world of Peace, so that you can vibrate Peace from within so strongly that it will fill your entire neighborhood, your city, your world?

Discover the Speaker & his invention subtitled in english here:
> Discover the Diamond Earth in 11 minutes

Jérôme Boujon

is an expert in sacred geometry, international speaker, inventor, Kundalini Yoga teacher and multi-therapist. Basically, he is a meditating scientist with about 36 years of daily practice. He dedicates his life to the elevation of planetary consciousness and to the Peace of the World of Peace.

La Terre Diamant, his 5th innovation, received 4 medals at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva. The jury awarded him the silver medal and recognized Diamond Earth as an activator of Peace for the evolution of human consciousness. Today there are more than 10.000 of them in 53 countries.

Jérome is a very honoured guest at “Mystikkens Univers”, as it is the first time both he and his DiamondLight Crystals guest Scandinavia.