Here you will find all the practical information about attending the expo in alphabetical order. There are links for ordering fixtures, exhibitor signs and advertisements in the relevant sections

Registration Form

If you have not yet submitted your registration form to us, please fill out the registration form here.

Acces and Opening Hours

  • Thursday 3pm-10pm set-up and decorations Exhibitors only
  • Friday 8am-10am set-up and decorations Exhibitors only
  • 10pm DEADLINE for set-up
  • 10pm-6pm Expo Visitors
  • 6pm-6:30pm locking up Exhibitors only
  • Saturday 9am-10am preparations for the day Exhibitors only
  • 10pm-6pm Expo Visitors
  • 6pm-6:30pm locking up Exhibitors only
  • Sunday 9am-10am preparations for the day Exhibitors only
  • 10am-6pm Expo Visitors
  • 6pm-9pm dismantling Exhibitors only
  • 9pm DEADLINE for dismantling

Openings hours for visitors:
Friday 10pm-6pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm.

Opening hours for exhibitors:

Stand construction and decoration may take place from Thursday 3pm – 10pm and Friday from 8am – 10am. All decorating must be done by 10pm Friday, when the expo opens for visitors.

Saturday: 9am – 6:30pm

Sunday: 9am – 9pm.

At all other times the expo area will be locked.

It is prohibited to begin taking down decorations or display before 6pm Sunday, when the expo officially closes, this will be announced per speaker system by the organizers.

Exhibitors must clear their stands and have everything out of the expo area by 9pm Sunday. Please make sure to leave your stand neat, free of trash and left over tape from walls and such. If organizers or handymen find leftover tape, exhibitor will receive an invoice for the inconvenience.

Announcements per Speakersystem

The upcoming talks and workshops will be announced by the expo speakersystem, 15 and 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the event.
The officially daily opening and closing of the expo.
Other announcements will rarely be allowed. Exceptions are missing children/parents and illegally parked cars.

Appropriate Stand Behaviour

All usage of stands must be according the registration form. Other requests of usage must be approved by organizers (Krop-Sind-Ånd Messerne).
Any distributions of foods and beverages are prohibited.
Animals are not allowed (except service animals).
Advertising or to sell stands for other expos is prohibited.
KODA fees are to be paid by individual exhibitor, not by Krop-Sind -Ånd Messerne.
Anything sold, offered or advertised must follow Danish Legislations.

Exhibitor stand personnel and representatives may not enter the exhibit space of another exhibitor without permission from that exhibitor. Attendants, models and other employees must confine their activities to the contracted exhibit space.
Demonstration areas must be organized within the contracted exhibit space. Should spectators or samplers interfere with the normal traffic flow in the aisle or overflow into neighbouring exhibits, Krop-Sind-Ånd Messerne reserves the right to require the exhibitor to immediately discontinue the activity.
Professional behaviour is expected by each company, its representatives and exhibitor-appointed contractors at all times during the expo.

Billing Information

According to the Danish tax legislation, we have to charge VAT from all our exhibitors, foreign exhibitors included. VAT may perhaps be refunded by contacting your own country’s tax office. At payment from foreign country account we charge a fee of DKK 125.00 per. Invoice.


The Café offers delicious food during visitors’ openings hours (Fri, Sat and Sun 10am – 6pm)

An area is reserved for exhibitors only. It allows you to have a lunch break in a slightly quieter environment and at the same time you have the opportunity to go left and up in front of the queue so that you do not have to spend your entire break standing in line.

Exhibitor’s badge

Only exhibitor stand personnel and representatives are allowed to wear the badges. A badge must be worn visibly at all times, and is to be shown upon entrance.
To invite you family and friends, use the guest cards.

Badges can be picked up at the Information Desk upon arrival.

Fire and Safety Regulations

Stand set up and decorations is checked by local firemen their instructions are to be followed at all times.
Lighting candles are prohibited.
Crushed Velvet Fabric is prohibited by the Fire authorities.
Hung materials such as textiles and other fire prone materials are to be impregnated to ward against fire.
Cloths placed on tables of pure cotton, wool or silk does not need to be impregnated.
It will be checked at the expo if instructions are correctly followed to ensure everyone’s safety.
If you consider displaying with any such decorations, please read and fill out the form regarding fire prone materials (Danish only)  and acknowledge that you accept our terms.

General Respect

Please ensure your music, incense and videos at stands do not bother other exhibitors or visitors partaking in seances at the expo.
KODA fees are paid individually by displaying exhibitor.
Burning of strongly smelling herbs or incense is prohibited.
All corrections regarding general respect, issued by the expo organizers are to be followed.

Guest cards (gæstekort)

All exhibitors will be given a code so they can order 20 free guest cards in our ticket system. These can be distributed to family, friends and customers.

Guest cards are to be distributed prior to the expo. Payed entrance fees will not be returned at a later shown guest card.

To handout guest cards to randoms visitors queuing for entrance is strictly prohibited.

Hand outs

Hand outs can be placed at special appointed table or in own stands. Exhibitors are not to hand out brochures outside of their own stand.
The appointed hand out tables are for listed exhibitors only. All other brochures will be removed. If you find your hand outs missing, please contact The Information Desk.

Internet and Facebook

Information regarding this expo can be found at Opening hours, list of exhibitors, links, workshops, talks and more can be found on this page.
Follow live updates and news at
Exhibitors are welcome to post short feeds on what they can offer in our Facebook group: (Krop-Sind-Ånd Messerne). When we are getting close to the event we advise you to make use of the exposure – tell about what you present at the stand and about an eventual talk / workshop. Please share as much as possible to reach all our potential visitors.
Of course, you also need to share information about the expo in your own network.

Inventary, power plugs and spot lights

Build-Up Stands
Build-Up Stands are not furnished. Tables, chairs and spot lights can be rented or you can bring what you need.
Electrical connection is included, 1 x 220V power outlet (maximum 1,000W), please bring your own multi plug outlet.
Power usage will not be charged separately. Please note that power is turned off at night.

Table Stands
Including a 80 x 180 cm table and 2 chairs. Power is not included at table stands but can be ordered separately.
Please bring your own tablecloth.

Stands 261 A-E have round tables (D) 80 cm, table cloth incl. + 2 chairs.

All inventary orders must be placed by November 21.
Orders places later than November 21 will be charged DKK 31.25.
Last possible date for ordering inventary is January 14.

> Order inventary and spotlights here

Remember to bring your own tools, signs and additional power plugs.

Talks and Workshops

Do you wish to conduct a talk or host a workshop? Fill out the FORM by December 8 and mail a good-quality picture for our website and social media publicity as soon as possible.
If you want to charge people for your workshop, please note it in the FORM. You will make handle the transactions directly at your contracted stand.

Talk and workshop program will be forwarded per mail approximately 4 weeks prior to the expo.

Projectors, whiteboards/flip-overs are available in all lecture rooms. If you wish to use the projectors you must bring your own computer with at HDMI input. Especially MAC users need to ensure you have a HDMI input, if not not, you must bring your own transformer.
The upcoming talks and workshops will be announced by the expo speakersystem, 15 and 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the event.
Please make sure to finish your talk or workshop in proper time, be respective of the next speaker.

> Fill in the speaker application form here


Brøndby Hallen, Brøndby Stadion 10, 2605 Brøndby  (


Advertising for the expo will be spread through different medias in Copenhagen and nearby areas. Additionally, we advertise on Social Media and other relevant platforms and forums.
We invite local and national press, radio and television.

As an exhibitor, you are an important link in our marketing chain. Please use your professional and private network to spread the word of our amazing event.


There are 1,00 free parking spaces in the area at Brøndby Hallen. Exhibitors are referred to the parking lots behind Brøndby Hallen during the opening hours of the expo so that the guests of the expo can park in the square in front of the entrance.

Payment Options (Visitors)

An ATM for visitor’s use, is located at the Information Desk. Maximum withdrawals are DKK 500. We advise exhibitors to ensure an easy transaction with costumers at their own stand, especially if products or performances are expensive.
We highly recommend exhibitors to accept payments by MobilePay, due to the fact that most visitors expect and prefer paying this way.


We (the organizers) will be taking photos or hire a professional photographer. Due to the GPDR legislation we need your permission to take photos and use these for promotions and advertisements. If you accept the terms regarding the GPDR legislation, our photographer might take pictures of you, but its not guaranteed.

> Give your permission here (Danish only)

Publicity and Marketing

Expo catalogue:
In the expo catalogue, all exhibitors are, free of charge, listed according to company name, name, telephone number and website. The information in the expo catalogue is based on the information from the registration form.
Apart from this short mention, it is possible to place a paid advertisement in the expo catalogue.
To improve readability and show of offers and events our catalogue has had a complete makeover. Format, index, colours and design are all brand new.

> Order your publicities here (Danish only)

Responsibility, Insurance and Storage

Storing products can take place in specific rooms (ask at the Information Desk). Mark everything visibly by name, phone number and stand number. All storing are at exhibitor’s own risk and responsibility. Everything has to be out before 9pm Sunday.

Products and materials displayed are left at exhibitor’s expense. The organizers will not be hold responsible for lost materials. We recommend exhibitors to contact their own insurance company and get a specific insurance that covers such affairs.

Stands – Decorations

Taping on premises are only permitted, if a special tape is used. This special tape is sold at The Information Desk.
The Information Desk lends special gallery hooks in different dimensions (Fee DKK 10).
No part of an exhibit, signs or other materials may be posted, nailed, or otherwise affixed to walls, doors or floor surfaces in a way that will mar or deface the premises. Any such activity will be charged to the exhibitor listed for the stand.

Table stand areas will be marked on the floor. Any kind of shielding such as walls and roll-ups must be placed behind exhibitors own table, to ensure visibility of neighbouring table stand.

Common areas will be cleaned through out, exhibitors are to keep their own stand clean.

Hjerterummet (The Heart Space)

At the Foyer a calm, peaceful nest is set up and decorated by Lars Rasmussen. We recommend joining in for a moment of peace and relaxation if needed. The Heart Space is for exhibitors and visitors alike.
Consider instructing visitors to The Heart Space after a treatment if needed.
Everybody is welcome here.

The Information Desk

Opening Hours
Thursday 3pm – 10pm
Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday 9am – 6pm
Sunday 9am – 7pm

We can inform visitors and exhibitors on general information regarding this expo.
Copies can be made DKK 1.5 a piece.

Visitor’s Information

Free expo catalogues can be found at the entrance. You’ll find information regarding: exhibitors, talks, workshops etc. The Information Desk just inside of the entrance, can provide other information regarding location of specific treatments and products.


A paid wardrobe is located right in front of the entrance.


We offer free Wi-Fi.